Arrival & Dismissal
Drop Off, Pick Up & Visiting Procedures
Procedures for AM drop off and PM pick up:
For families that choose to drop off their students in the AM, please follow these important procedures to keep everyone safe.
We encourage everyone to use the drop off lane. We have staff positioned to assist your child with exiting the car, and getting into school. If possible, please only exit students curbside.
Please use only the visitor parking spots if you choose to walk your child to the door. The visitor parking is nearest to the playground. There is a sidewalk that wraps around the drop off loop to the main entrances. The middle parking spots are for the elementary staff.
Please do not park in the drop off loop or on the other side of the median. This is very unsafe, as you and your child may not be seen by others driving through the parking lot.
For families that choose to pick up their students in the PM, please follow these important procedures to keep everyone safe:
Student dismissal begins at 2:25. We will have staff positioned outside and inside to help supervise students. A staff member will assist your children to the right car.
Signs will be printed for you to use in your windows to help speed up the process within the next week. Please display these in your car window.
Please try not to arrive before 2:15. If you do arrive before 2:15, we ask that you park in the visitor area until closer to 2:15. If you see cars parked in the visitor parking upon your arrival, please wait on the service road until the cars move from the parking area to the “drop off” loop.
If you are walking to pick up students, we will have a designated staff person assigned to assist you. Please note, bus and car riders will be dismissed first in order to clear the service road for the MS/HS traffic.
If you choose to park and walk up, you will need to enter the same loop of cars using the drop off lane. This is to keep the flow of traffic moving in one direction.
If you have any questions, or concerns, please let us know. Our goal is to make sure everyone is safe.
Thank you for your assistance with our children’s safety needs at Frankfort-Schuyler School!