4/3/18 - Connect with Someone Younger Day
As part of the Frankfort-Schuyler Connection Calendar, Jr./Sr. High School students visited the elementary school for Connect with Someone Younger Day on April 3.
High schoolers worked with students in grades K-3 on a handprint project about the importance of kindness.
The high school students also joined students in grades 4 and 5 for lunch and had an informal conversation and question and answer session about what middle school is like. The students also discussed opportunities the 4th and 5th graders will have to continue promoting kindness and compassion when they enter middle school and high school.
The Connection Calendar was created by a group of Frankfort-Schuyler Jr./Sr. High School students as a way to make their school community a more united and supportive environment for everyone. The Connection Calendar at both the Elementary and Jr./Sr. High School wraps up on April 13 with High Five Friday/Maroon and White Day.