5/8/18 - TREATY Program
Fifth graders at Frankfort-Schuyler Elementary are learning conflict management strategies with the help of Catholic Charities of Herkimer County’s TREATY Program.
The TREATY (Teaching Reconciliation in Education to Administrators, Teachers and Youth) Program helps to create safe and positive learning environments by teaching students problem solving, anger management, skill building and how to work as a team.
The TREATY program uses the PeaceBuilders curriculum to principles? set behavioral expectations, reduce aggression and transform the climate and culture of the school environment to one which is cooperative, productive and academically successful. PeaceBuilders is a science-based, research-validated violence prevention curriculum and professional development program for grades pre-K to 12 which teaches six core principals -- Praise People, Give-Up Put-Downs, Seek Wise People, Notice Hurts, Right Wrongs and Help Others.
This year’s TREATY program started on May 8 with a visit from Catholic Charities TREATY Coordinator Crystal Gerhardt. Gerhardt will visit the elementary school each Tuesday and Thursday in May to provide lessons for the fifth grade classes on conflict management, anger management, effective communication, active listening and consensus building.